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谷歌翻译App对中国用户开放 不再需要VPN:ya博体育app官网入口

发布日期:2024-09-24 12:21:01 浏览次数:
本文摘要:Google last Wednesday made available in China a new version of its translation app that is accessible without censor-evading software, a move likely to fuel speculation that the internet giant was mending fences with Beijing.上周三,谷歌公司对旗下翻译成软件展开改版,并且对中国用户月对外开放,省却了加装回避审查软件的困难。

Google last Wednesday made available in China a new version of its translation app that is accessible without censor-evading software, a move likely to fuel speculation that the internet giant was mending fences with Beijing.上周三,谷歌公司对旗下翻译成软件展开改版,并且对中国用户月对外开放,省却了加装回避审查软件的困难。这一行径很有可能意图为宣传“谷歌这一互联网巨头无意和中国搞好关系”这一新闻生产噱头。

Google shut down its www.google.cn website in 2010, moving its Chinese search service from mainland China to Hong Kong in a row over cyberattacks and censorship.谷歌在2010年宣告重开其网站www.google.cn website,并在接连不断的网络攻击和审查之下将其在中国的搜寻服务从大陆转至了香港。Chinese have for years been able to utilise a web-based version of Google Translate, but the mobile app has required the use of virtual private network (VPN) software to get around the Great Firewall, Chinas huge system of online censorship.多年以来,中国不能用于基于网页版的谷歌翻译成,若想用于其移动应用于就必须用于虚拟世界私人网络(VPN)软件来避免中国可观的网络审查系统--中国防火墙。Today were releasing version 5.8 of the Google Translate apps for Android and iOS, adding instant visual translation between English and Korean, as well as an improved experience for users in China, Google announced in a blog post.谷歌方面在一篇博文中宣告:“Google翻译成App的iOS版和安卓版目前已改版至5.8版本。

新版本减少了英语和韩语之间的即时视觉翻译成功能,同时优化了中国用户的体验。”It provided a link for Android downloads, while saying iPhone users can search Apples app store.谷歌方面还为安卓用户获取了一个iTunes链接,并回应苹果用户可以在苹果的应用于商店中自行搜寻。It did not explain why the app was now accessible, and a Google spokesman declined to comment on the matter.对于该应用于为何忽然向中国大陆对外开放,谷歌方面并没得出明确原因,其发言人也拒绝接受就该问题展开任何对此。The move could mark a step forward in China for Google, whose main search engine, its Gmail email service, maps, and other offerings are blocked.这一行径却是标志着谷歌在中国又向前迈向了一步,但谷歌的主要搜索引擎、Gmail电子邮件服务、谷歌地图以及其他功能目前仍被封锁。

